On March 3, 2025, Vytautas Magnus University hosted the 9th International Scientific Conference “Culture et politique du monde francophone” / “Culture and Politics of the Francophone World”. During the event, Jurgita Vaičenonienė, the national coordinator of CLARIN-LT, delivered a presentation titled “CLARIN ERIC: Language Resources and Analysis Tools for French Language Research and Teaching”.

The presentation introduced the concept of Research Infrastructures (RIs), citing the definition provided in the Lithuanian Research Infrastructures Roadmap (2015: 4): “a set of facilities, resources, and related services used by the scientific community to conduct research: this includes scientific equipment, research materials, knowledge sources, ICT-based infrastructures, and other tools essential for acquiring scientific expertise” (to explore more about RIs, please visit these resources: first and second).
It was emphasized that RI services are open to researchers from all academic institutions. One such RI, in which Lithuania is a member, was discussed in detail—the Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure (CLARIN ERIC), which is dedicated to the social sciences and humanities.
Participants had the opportunity to explore CLARIN’s services, resource families, and search capabilities, as well as the Virtual Language Observatory and the Voyant Tools language analysis tool. Additionally, those interested in advanced language technologies were invited to subscribe to the CLARIN-LT newsletter (subscribe here) or follow the CLARIN-LT Facebook page.
The presentation provided valuable information for lecturers, researchers, and students seeking to effectively use modern technologies for French language teaching and research.
The conference program can be viewed here.

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